CE course offerings for both on-site classroom and virtual sessions are determined by individual branches and not available as on-demand webinars. Please contact your local Branch or Marketing Manager for additional information.

Top 5 CE courses:

  • Managing Volatility in the Current Litigation Environment (1 hr)
  • Water Loss Prevention (1 hr)
  • Cyber Liability Insurance (1 hr)
  • Life Sciences (2 hrs)
  • The Storm and the Surge: Winds of Change for Liability Losses (2 hrs)

Feedback from our newest CE course, Outsmarting Fraudsters: Risk Mitigation in Accounts Payable:

  • Good information and will be helpful in serving my insureds.
  • Outstanding use of an hour, the practical discussion was solid.
  • Very thorough and easy to understand.
  • The examples provided and the breakdown of how fraud occurs was very helpful.
  • Nice course. I will have others in my office take this one.
  • The explanation of the procurement process was extremely helpful to me. Thanks for a job well done!