Webinar | Out of Sight – Out of Mind: The Consequences of an Incidental Fleet


Webinar Summary To reduce operating costs, more and more employers are limiting the number of company cars they provide employees or eliminating their company car programs altogether. The company car goes away, but the need to use vehicles for business purposes usually doesn’t. To meet this need, employers may provide pool cars, have employees rent a vehicle when traveling, or ask employees to use their personal vehicle for company business. The result is a hired...

Webinar | Skills for the Teen Driver


Webinar Summary Teen drivers are regularly involved in automobile collisions, primarily because of their lack of experience on the road. This inexperience means teens often don’t recognize or know how to respond to hazards that lead to collisions. In fact, the fatal crash rate per mile driven by 16–17 year-olds is three times the rate of drivers 20 years-old and older. Skills for the Teen Driver’s goal is to share best practices for making teenagers...

Webinar | Work From Home: It’s Here to Stay


Webinar Summary At the peak of the pandemic, nearly 83% of office workers were working from home and this transition to remote work for many companies took place with little opportunity to plan. Now, that many employees are offered some form of remote working, companies need to ensure that they are receiving the expected benefits from their offer of remote work options. Remote work presents unique challenges from a safety and risk management perspective that...

Webinar | An EVolving Issue: How Do On-Site Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Impact Public Liability Exposures?


Webinar Summary Electric vehicles (EVs) are emerging as a key component toward achieving climate change resiliency. Businesses, governmental agencies, and consumers are engaging on the topic of electric vehicles. While electric vehicles are currently estimated to comprise less than two percent of the new car market, interest has increased dramatically. One significant hurdle that is influencing the pace of EV adoption is the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles in today's market run on rechargeable...

Webinar | Join Up Now for the War on Water


Webinar Summary Did you know the average loss of a commercial water damage claim is $89,000 and the 3rd most common global claim based on analysis of more than 470,000 insurance industry claims from 2013-2018? The frequency and severity of water damage losses has increased throughout North America and around the world for all property types and occupancies. Burst pipes, roof leaks, overflowing toilets, and leaking equipment can cause significant damage, with losses ranging well...

Webinar | Fleet Safety Program Development


Webinar Summary A written and consistently enforced fleet safety program is vital to communicate management policies and procedures to drivers and supervisors. Formalizing fleet controls will promote consistency and foster a safety culture that can help reduce vehicle damage and driver injuries. Without written documentation of fleet safety directives there is no consistent accountability for drivers operating vehicles for company business. In addition, lack of formal fleet programming will make it challenging in the event...

Webinar | Contractors in the Workplace – Managing the Hidden Workplace Exposure


Webinar Summary Virtually every business today relies on third parties (eg. maintenance contractors, suppliers, vendors, subcontractors, etc.) in some capacity to conduct their day to day operations. From maintenance repairs to production, the utilization of these third parties can bring rise to several often-overlooked risks in the workplace. By implementing an effective contractor management program, a business will be able to reduce their overall risk associated with the use of these third-party entities. Safety and...

Webinar | Autonomous Vehicles


Webinar Summary This 1-hour session provides an overview of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology. It explores the current advances toward full automation and the challenges faced to get there. Information on the current status of original equipment manufacturers and areas where AVs are already deployed is included, as is an explanation of major AV component technologies that provide capabilities for perception, localization, mapping and prediction. Typical state regulatory approaches for AV testing are addressed and test...

Webinar | Driving In Adverse Conditions


Webinar Summary Driving on a sunny day in 70 degrees is easy and what dreams are made of. Unfortunately, all over the country there are different weather conditions occurring every day. Some locations will have regular amounts of snow and some will have harsh rains, some storms will move in quickly with no warning and some might set new records in snow or rainfall. Every different type of weather brings a different challenge to the...

Webinar | Don’t Settle for .50 of the Story: Enhance Your Slip and Fall Prevention by Integrating Tribometry with a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Process


Webinar Summary Even though slips and falls are one of the most preventable injury types, they remain one of the leading sources of injuries both at home and work. According to The National Safety Council 2019 Injury Facts, 880 workers died in falls. While the use of a tribometer (slipmeter) allows us to quantify how a walking surface performs specific to the measurement of traction, does the slip resistance value provide us with the confidence...

Webinar | Skills for the Teen Driver


Webinar Summary Teen drivers are regularly involved in automobile collisions, primarily because of their lack of experience on the road. This inexperience means teens often don’t recognize or know how to respond to hazards that lead to collisions. In fact, the fatal crash rate per mile driven by 16–17 year-olds is three times the rate of drivers 20 years-old and older. Skills for the Teen Driver’s goal is to share best practices for making teenagers...

Webinar | Occupational Health Hazards – Are You at Risk?


Webinar Summary Occupational Health Hazards may be lurking within your plant, warehouse or even office. These hazards may not present themselves until an employee has a reaction, there is an employee complaint, or are uncovered by OSHA during an inspection. Occupational Health Hazards can stem from mold, solvents, welding fumes, dust, and even biological hazards. The presentation will review how to be proactive and conduct an Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Health Hazard risk assessment for a manufacturing...

Webinar | It’s Not Just the Heat – A Holistic View of the Effects of Climate Change on Worker Health


Webinar Summary While not a new concept, climate change is increasingly relevant due to increases in extreme weather. One of the major effects of climate change includes extreme temperature variations. Specifically, higher temperatures have a direct effect on workplace safety and health. Details on the types of industries effected as well as acute health hazards will be reviewed. This webinar will not only clearly illustrate the variety of challenges climate change presents, but also offer...

Webinar | Driver Qualification File


Webinar Summary U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regularly updates and changes its regulations, including the rules for qualifying commercial motor vehicle drivers, all in the pursuit of safer drivers and safer roadways. Have you missed any of these changes? Are your clients in compliance with their driver qualification efforts and Driver Qualification files? This webinar is designed to get you up-to-date and educate you in the basic requirements for DQ files, so you can...

Webinar | Wildland Fires and Impacts on Health for Outdoor Workers


Webinar Summary The United States is experiencing longer and more severe wildfire seasons brought on by drought, increased heat waves, and drier conditions as a result of Climate Change. Wildfire smoke once viewed as a California or Western States concern now impacts regions outside the immediate fire zone, traveling thousands of miles across the country on the jet stream affecting the Southeast, Midwest, and Canada. Wildfire smoke is a complex mixture of gases and fine...

Webinar | Distracted Driving


Webinar Summary Distracted driving is frequently cited as one of the leading causes of automobile collisions, primarily due to driver behaviors which take the operator’s attention away from driving the vehicle. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) cited in the 2020-year that distracted driving claimed 3,142 lives. Distracted driving can come in several different forms which include, texting/cellphone use, eating and drinking, radio and navigation adjustment, and more. The goal of this...

Webinar | Wildfire Threat and the West


Webinar Summary Wildland fire has evolved to be an item of greater concern for the communities and businesses that reside within them as the wildfire season is growing longer and starting earlier each year. In part due to climate change, wildfires are growing in intensity and scale, particularly in the western United States. Traditional wildfire mitigation tactics include utilization of noncombustible construction materials, regular brush clearing, and noncombustible planting in landscape design, however recent research...

Webinar | Business Continuity Planning: Prepare Your Business for the Unexpected


Webinar Summary Today's businesses are confronted with an unprecedented number of exposures. With incidents including pandemics, cyber-attacks, supply chain interruption, geopolitical unrest, and severe weather occurring more frequently – it is important that your business understands these threats and how they can impact your critical business operations. A robust Business Continuity Plan will help ensure that your business continues to operate prior to, during and after a disaster occurs. In this webinar, the presenters will...

Webinar | Managing Lithium-Ion Batteries Present in the Workplace


Webinar Summary Please note the original date of this webinar was changed from 11/16 to 12/11. In today’s technology driven world the need for battery powered equipment and devices has skyrocketed. To meet this demand many industries have turned to utilizing lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can be found in everything from cell phones, laptops, transportation equipment, backup power sources, power tools, and even personal hygiene products. With the tremendous increased use cases for these batteries,...

Webinar | Winter Driving


Webinar Summary Driving on a sunny day in 70 degrees paints an idyllic image. Unfortunately, all over the country there are adverse weather conditions occurring every day. Some locations will have regular amounts of snow and some will have harsh rains. Some storms will move in quickly with no warning and some might set new records in snow or rainfall. Each type of weather brings a different challenge to the company, their drivers, and their...

Webinar | How to Better Protect Vacant Buildings


Vacant properties present unique challenges because they lack the day to day activity that naturally mitigates common hazards. Draining sprinkler systems leaves the building exposed to a potentially severe fire. While having a vacant property is never a desirable situation, some basic steps can be taken to reduce the hazard until it is again occupied. Beyond the property hazard concerns, vacant buildings can become a liability hazard to the public and municipality. Vacant buildings are...

Webinar | Federal Government Contractors – Understanding the Opportunity


The federal government spends $700 billion on contracts, with the DoD spending an additional $145 billion in FY 2024 on technology R & D.  Federal government contractors (FGCs) work on some of the most interesting and cutting edge technology, from submarines to satellites.  However, FGCs operate in a business environment significantly different from standard commercial entities, with unique exposures, contracts and protections, not to mention a language all their own.  This session will introduce you...

Webinar | Workplace Violence: A Growing Concern – Combating Violence in Healthcare


Violence is not a concept people would typically associate with healthcare organizations; however, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the healthcare industry experiences the highest rate of injuries caused by workplace violence and are five times as likely to suffer a workplace violence injury than workers overall. Providing a safe environment for patients, visitors and staff is a top priority for any healthcare organization. By implementing a comprehensive violence program, healthcare organizations can...