Webinar | Participant Accident 101: Managing Risks Associated With Participants of Non-Profits, Schools, Recreational Groups, and More


Webinar Summary Participant Accident Insurance | Participant Accident insurance makes it simple for organizations to protect their volunteers, students, athletes, and many other members when an unexpected accident occurs. In this webinar, Chubb Special Risk experts will discuss how Participant Accident helps organizations limit their liability when their participants are injured while engaging in sponsored events. Audience This webinar is designed for Agents, Brokers, and select Clients Chubb Faculty Denise Masella Vice President, Special Risk...

Webinar | Study Session: Managing the Risks Inherent in Studying Abroad


Webinar Summary Scholastic Travel Insurance | Students and faculty members engaging in international travel must contend with the unique risks of today’s world. Accidents, sudden illnesses, natural disasters, political uprisings, and more must be considered before embarking on this journey. In this webinar, Chubb’s Scholastic Travel experts will discuss how to help protect scholastic travelers with risk management, insurance, and assistance solutions. Audience This webinar is designed for Agents, Brokers, and select Clients Chubb Faculty...

Webinar | Complementary Coverages for International Travel: Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation and Business Travel Accident


Webinar Summary Benefits of pairing Multinational Casualty and Accident & Health coverages | There isn’t a one-size-fits-all insurance solution for companies looking to cover employees traveling internationally, and in many cases, it makes sense to invest in more than one product for the most complete coverage. In this webinar, Chubb Multinational Casualty and Accident & Health experts will discuss how employers can create comprehensive travel solutions by seeking out products that offer complementary coverages. Audience...

Webinar | To Insure and Assist: Navigating Business Travel Insurance and Assistance Services in a Changing World


Webinar Summary Business travel insurance and assistance solutions | For businesses with employees who travel on company business, the past 2+ years have presented several challenges in terms of choosing the right travel protection. Join Chubb Accident & Health and International SOS experts for a discussion about common – and new – exposures for travelling employees and how they can be mitigated with a business travel insurance and assistance package. Audience This webinar is designed...

Webinar | Accident & Health: Creating a Best-in-Class P&C Solution – for Organizations with Employees


Webinar Summary Accidents and illnesses can happen suddenly - anytime, anywhere. Organizations that are adequately prepared for stakeholder accidents or sicknesses can ensure those situations are handled in a way that is consistent with their expectations, values, and standards. In this webinar, Chubb Accident & Health’s Corporate Accident & Sickness experts will share how A&H coverages like Business Travel Accident insurance can work as a Workers Compensation supplement to help create a best-in-class P&C solution...

Webinar | Accident & Health: Creating a Best-in-Class P&C Solution – for Organizations with Participants/Volunteers/Non-Employees


Webinar Summary Accidents and illnesses can happen anytime, anywhere - in the classroom, playing sports, going to summer camp, or even volunteering for a non-profit. When unexpected situations arise, a plan that can help mitigate costs and ensure timely care can make all the difference. Join Chubb Accident & Health’s Specialty Markets and Scholastic & Institutional Global Risk experts for a discussion about how A&H coverages like Participant Accident and Scholastic Travel insurance can work...

Webinar | A&H Affinity Solutions: Offering Customized Supplemental Health Insurance Solutions to Individuals of Affinity Groups, Associations & Employers


Webinar Summary In today’s insurance market, one size doesn’t fit all. Supplemental health insurance solutions can help individuals customize an insurance portfolio that best aligns with their needs. In this webinar, Chubb Accident & Health’s Affinity Solutions experts will discuss how Chubb’s market-driven and highly valued products can be customized to supplement health insurance choices. They’ll also highlight the Chubb Partner Package, a turnkey solution that can help agents offer supplemental benefits to clients in...

Webinar | Travel 365: How the Right Plan Can Help Leisure Travelers Journey with Confidence


Webinar Summary Sickness, injuries, and other emergencies are facts of life. When travelers are away from customary medical and informational resources, even minor situations can become more intense. Join Chubb’s Leisure Travel and Digital Consumer experts to learn how Chubb’s Travel 365 solution provides insurance protection that can help travelers prepare for and deal with the unexpected risks related to traveling. View other webinars and recordings in the Accident & Health series. Audience This webinar...

Webinar | Travel 365: Helping Travelers Navigate the “What Ifs”


Webinar Summary When it comes to travel, careful planning only takes you so far. Join Chubb’s Leisure Travel and Claims experts to learn how our Travel 365 solution provides a powerful combination of travel insurance and 24/7 assistance services that can help travelers navigate unexpected events or personal situations that arise while traveling. We’ll also discuss common travel insurance misconceptions and claim scenarios, along with how you can educate your clients on the value of...