
Everyone in business is responsible for executing various processes and procedures during their day, whether processing forms, writing proposals, or creating a plan for marketing a new product. These processes all have steps. It’s important to closely examine these day-to-day processes to see if they are still effective. This analytical program examines the critical ingredients for an effective business process improvement initiative, whether it’s executed in a single department or throughout the agency.

Program Dates & Registration


Attendees of this program will leave with:

  • An analytical tool for understanding generally what the customer wants (“voice of the customer”)
  • A procedure for identifying in specific terms the customer’s (or end user’s) critical requirements
  • An understanding of how to measure and compare current performance to the customer’s critical requirements
  • A definition of “process” and a knowledge of what elements are common to all “processes”
  • Deeper knowledge of brainstorming and the various ways to utilize it as a tool for business process improvement
  • Necessary tools for putting new processes and procedure into place and for maintaining them


This program will benefit any agency personnel who want to streamline the processes within the agency to save time and cut costs.


1/2 Day

Information Request

Program Information Request