
Whether you’re an Account Manager or a CSR, there are several opportunities for you to delegate work to others on your team. There’s no doubt that delegation holds many risks and therefore instills fear in people. But there are many benefits to delegation – for the delegator, for the delegatee, and for the agency as a whole. This program looks at delegation as a critical tool and distinct set of skills for everyone on a team to learn.

Program Dates & Registration


Attendees of this program will leave with:

  • A definition of delegation that differentiates it from abdication or “dumping”
  • Reasons why effective delegation is important to individuals, teams and organizations
  • An understanding of the obstacles to delegation and strategies for overcoming those obstacles
  • The opportunity to learn and practice a six-step delegation process and the inherent skills needed in each step to make the delegation most effective


Any agency personnel who need to “hand off” tasks to another team member.


1/2 Day

Information Request

Program Information Request