Webinar | Perpetuation in the Age of Scale


Webinar Summary The M&A market grabs the headlines, but agencies remaining privately-held are finding that the dynamics around internal perpetuation are changing as well. Scale, capital and valuations are forcing firms to update their perpetuation models. In this webinar, we’ll talk through the most common strategies used in adapting to today’s internal perpetuation environment. Audience This webinar is designed for a Chubb Agent and Broker audience, including Agency leadership, management teams, and principals. Faculty Brian...

Webinar | Tips & Tricks for Taking Social Media to the Next Level


Webinar Summary Social media has come of age – LinkedIn is 18 years old and Facebook is 17! Your social media strategy may benefit from changes or be modifications to keep up with the expectations of clients, prospects, and followers. This session will focus on how to use social media to build your brand and elevate your marketing, client relations, and communications. You’ll find out what people want to hear and how can you provide...

Webinar | Manufacturing: Opportunities with Complex Products


Webinar Summary Severity breeds opportunity. Our focus will be on identifying/recognizing manufacturing exposures and utilizing that knowledge to recommend intelligent solutions to your clients. We will discuss Chubb’s appetite and capabilities, along with recent successes. Register Here for the Other Webinars in this Series Manufacturing: Evolution and Growth Opportunities | May 18 E&O and Product Recall for Manufacturers | September 23 Audience This webinar is designed for Chubb appointed Agents and Brokers. Chubb Faculty Michael...

Webinar | Breathe Easy: Making Sense of Occupational Disease


Webinar Summary Occupational diseases are a low probability, high severity exposure which often takes years or even decades to develop. As such, these exposures may not be recognized as a significant health hazard and can often go uncontrolled leading to catastrophic outcomes for employees, their families as well as the employer. Some of these exposures, once realized, may also have devastating impacts industry-wide. From a worker’s compensation insurance standpoint, different jurisdictions view compensability differently further...

Webinar | Using Thought Leadership to Grow Your Business and Your Brand


Webinar Summary Thought leadership is a hot topic right now, and for very good reason. Research from the National Center for the Middle Market shows that: 58% of decision makers choose a business based off thought leadership 61% of decision makers are more willing to pay a premium to work with a company that articulates a clear vision through thought leadership Statistics like these demonstrate that thought leadership is good for business. It costs nothing...

Webinar | Higher Education, Higher Risk: Essential Coverages for When Students are Back on Campus


Webinar Summary This fall, students in the United States will once again flock to university and college campuses. Most higher education organizations are well-versed in the traditional types of coverages they need to protect students living on a full campus, but unexpected emerging risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic should also be considered. The potential exposures stemming from unoccupied premises, severely reduced maintenance schedules, and inadequate temperature and humidity controls, as well as risks associated...

Webinar | Becoming Culturally Intelligent


Webinar Summary In an increasingly globalized world, leaders seek to understand and engage people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This one-hour Becoming Culturally Intelligent webinar will guide participants in developing their cultural intelligence to effectively communicate and work with diverse audiences. Interactive, research-based activities provide participants with opportunities for critical reflection to become more empathetic and effective in their daily practices, recognizing that compassion drives action. Register Here for the Other Webinars in this...

Webinar | Business Continuity Planning: Prepare Your Business for the Unexpected


In today’s uncertain world, businesses are confronted with an unprecedented number of exposures. With situations like cyber-attacks, supply chain interruption, geopolitical unrest, and severe weather occurring more frequently – it’s important that your business understands these threats and how they can impact your critical business operations. Understanding the importance of a Business Continuity Plan will ensure that your business continues to operate prior to, during and after a disaster occurs. In this introductory presentation, the...

Webinar | Being Consciously Inclusive


Webinar Summary Being an effective ally to others takes a lot of skill, especially when our own thoughts and actions can get in our way! In this session, Dr. Steve Yacovelli will explore the three areas every ally should focus on in order to be more consciously inclusive. From THINK IN about your own unconscious biases, to SPEAK UP to create a more inclusive workplace, to ACT OUT in ways you can foster a feeling...

Webinar | E&O and Product Recall for Manufacturers


Webinar Summary This webinar will discuss the integration of E&O and Product Recall as a part of an overall casualty program that protects the balance sheet of your clients. We will look at exposures that present risks to manufacturers and how Chubb’s offerings will help you address the needs of your clients. Register Here for the Other Webinars in this Series Manufacturing: Evolution and Growth Opportunities | May 18 Manufacturing: Opportunities with Complex Products |...

Webinar | Intro to Bystander Intervention


Webinar Summary This 60-minute webinar will introduce four steps an employee can take to help create a workplace that is positive and respectful for everyone: 1) Recognize warning signs; 2) Identify barriers to getting involved; 3) Develop realistic ways to intervene; and 4) Strengthen positive workplace norms. A work environment free from harassment increases productivity, retention, and the likelihood for increased equity. Most people are eager to be a part of the solution when it...

Webinar | DEI&B: It’s Time for Action at Work


Webinar Summary A demonstration of practical strategies, tips, and advice for talking about DEI&B concepts in the workplace. Address tough issues and approach hard conversations with constructive “real talk”. Register Here for the Other Webinars in this Series Becoming Culturally Intelligent | September 9 Being Consciously Inclusive | September 16 Intro to Bystander Intervention | September 30 Audience This series is designed for Chubb appointed Agents, Brokers, Management and Agency Staff. There will be a...

Webinar | Targeted Pre-Call Planning: Strong Discovery and Qualifying Questions


Webinar Summary Producers invest a great deal into acquiring initial meetings with prospective customers.  However, after all of this hard work, many initial meetings do not advance to future discussions on ways to work together. This webinar is about the best ways to plan for successful initial in-person and virtual initial customer meetings. This program will cover the following learning objectives: Understand how to develop your Ideal Buyer profile Create impactful pre-call plans for each...

Webinar | Awareness is Power: Reducing Breast Cancer Risk in the time of COVID and Beyond


A special program in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Webinar Summary October 2021 is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In order to reinforce awareness during this time, Chubb is inviting you to join us for a conversation with Dr. Nicole Saphier and moderator Michelle McLaughlin, Chief Underwriting Officer, Middle Market & Small Business Divisions. This discussion will focus on the impact of COVID on breast cancer screening, the importance of early cancer detection, current breast...

Webinar | Middle Market Insights and Multinational Insurance Spotlight


Webinar Summary Join Chubb and the National Center for the Middle Market for a webinar discussing current challenges facing middle market executives, an overview of Multinational Insurance, and key insights for agents and brokers. Findings from the recently-issued Q2 2021 Middle Market Indicator (MMI) Report revealed that economic confidence rose above pre-pandemic levels and expansionary activity resumed for some businesses. Yet, many companies had yet to fully join in the recovery. Issued semi-annually, the MMI...

Webinar | InsurTech and Making the Most of New Technologies


Webinar Summary Technology and traditional insurance brokerage are on a collision course. This convergence is reshaping agency valuation, growth, and profitability. Your agency will most likely benefit from this convergence but proactive steps must be taken. Harrison Brooks of Reagan Consulting will outline ways your agency can take advantage of InsurTech, providing real examples of where brokers can mitigate threats and find opportunities in this new technology marketplace. He will conclude with four action items...

Webinar | The Three-step Process for Delivering Successful Initial Meetings


Webinar Summary The moment of truth for every producer is when they are engaged in their initial meeting (in-person or virtual) with a prospective customer. Most fall into the trap of offering stereotypical rapport building, pitching too soon, and spiraling into the valley of irrelevance before the call is over. This program will cover the following learning objectives: Learn the simple, three-step ROC® process for initial sales meetings Understand how to create meaningful Rapport Align...

Webinar | Strategies for Getting a Seat at the Table and Making it Count


Webinar Summary The world continues to change demographically and has become more diverse, multicultural, multigenerational, and more hyperconnected. With these shifts, now more than ever organizations recognize that their workplace cultures need to be reflective of the demographics, while also being more inclusive, equitable, and free from discrimination. They are also realizing that the seats at the table need to change and that new voices need to be invited and heard. And for those who...

Webinar | Widespread Cyber Events Coverage Explained: A Flexible and Sustainable Approach to Address a Growing Risk


Webinar Summary Learn about Chubb's new Widespread Event endorsement and how you can help policyholders tailor their cyber insurance coverage. Audience This webinar is designed for Chubb agents and brokers worldwide who have an understanding of cyber coverage and/or experience placing cyber insurance. Faculty Patrick Thielen | Senior Vice President, Chubb North America Matt Prevost | Senior Vice President, Chubb North America Raheila Nazir | Senior Vice President, Chubb Overseas General Duration 60 Minutes Tuition...

Webinar | All Things M&A: Current Market, Valuations, Buyer Types, Benefits and Pitfalls


Webinar Summary How has the market evolved over the past year and how has that affected insurance M&A? Join Brian McNeely from Reagan Consulting as he discusses all things M&A, providing an overview of the current market, how valuations are trending, who the buyers are, and what the benefits and pitfalls may be for agencies looking to buy or sell. Audience This webinar is designed for a Chubb Agent and Broker audience, including Agency leadership...

Webinar | Do Ergonomic Assessments have to be Complicated?


Webinar Summary The application of ergonomic assessment tools within industrial settings may seem daunting and overwhelming but, it doesn’t have to be that way. Industrial ergonomic evaluations don’t always have to include complicated calculations and measurement tools. This session will concentrate on reviewing practical approaches to ergonomic assessments while discussing techniques to streamline the assessment process.  A sampling of various material handling hazards and repetitive motion exposures will be reviewed along with practical, easy-to-implement solutions...

Webinar | Don’t Drop the Ball: Methods to Manage Multiple Tasks, Handle Stress and Gain Control of Your Time


Webinar Summary The days of limited duties and spare time are long gone. Today’s insurance professionals must not only perform routine daily tasks, but also undertake periodic special projects, managerial responsibilities, and teamwork challenges, not to mention unexpected challenges arising from the work-from-home environment. This interactive session provides realistic techniques for separating myth from fact when it comes to multi-tasking, as well as ideas for setting priorities, speaking up when necessary and managing your time...

Webinar | State of Broker M&A Activity 2021-2022


Webinar Summary 2021 will go down in the record books as a year like no other in terms of agent and broker M&A. More deals were done last year than any other year in our industry’s history – in the midst of a pandemic! The universe of buyers stands at an all-time high, as do agency valuations. Although private equity buyers dominated the buyer landscape in 2021, publicly-traded brokers had a great acquisition year and...

Webinar | Out of Sight – Out of Mind: The Consequences of an Incidental Fleet


Webinar Summary To reduce operating costs, more and more employers are limiting the number of company cars they provide employees or eliminating their company car programs altogether. The company car goes away, but the need to use vehicles for business purposes usually doesn’t. To meet this need, employers may provide pool cars, have employees rent a vehicle when traveling, or ask employees to use their personal vehicle for company business. The result is a hired...

Webinar | Middle Market Insights and Life Sciences Industry Spotlight


Webinar Summary Join Chubb and the National Center for the Middle Market for a webinar discussing current challenges facing middle market executives, an industry practice spotlight on Life Sciences, and key insights for agents and brokers. Findings from the recently issued Middle Market Indicator (MMI) Report will be discussed in detail. Issued semi-annually, the MMI explores current and emerging macro trends across the middle market, measuring past and predicted revenue growth, employment growth, economic confidence...

Webinar | P&C Insurance Market Trends


Webinar Summary Join Dr. Bob Hartwig on March 24th for a look at the drivers behind P&C insurance market movements in 2022; macroeconomic, geopolitical and regulatory environment impacts; and an analysis of key market indicators, claim patterns, and loss trends. Audience This webinar is designed for Chubb appointed Agents and Brokers Chubb Faculty Bob Hartwig, Ph.D., CPCU Clinical Associate Professor of Finance, Risk Management & Insurance | Darla Moore School of Business, University of South...

Webinar | Skills for the Teen Driver


Webinar Summary Teen drivers are regularly involved in automobile collisions, primarily because of their lack of experience on the road. This inexperience means teens often don’t recognize or know how to respond to hazards that lead to collisions. In fact, the fatal crash rate per mile driven by 16–17 year-olds is three times the rate of drivers 20 years-old and older. Skills for the Teen Driver’s goal is to share best practices for making teenagers...

Webinar | Participant Accident 101: Managing Risks Associated With Participants of Non-Profits, Schools, Recreational Groups, and More


Webinar Summary Participant Accident Insurance | Participant Accident insurance makes it simple for organizations to protect their volunteers, students, athletes, and many other members when an unexpected accident occurs. In this webinar, Chubb Special Risk experts will discuss how Participant Accident helps organizations limit their liability when their participants are injured while engaging in sponsored events. Audience This webinar is designed for Agents, Brokers, and select Clients Chubb Faculty Denise Masella Vice President, Special Risk...

Webinar | Insurance Brokerage Predictions – Where Are We Headed?


Webinar Summary Over the past few years, so much has changed for the insurance brokerage industry and even more shifts seem to be on the horizon. How do insurance agency leaders prepare for what’s to come? Join Harrison Brooks from Reagan Consulting as he addresses recent changes, highlights key trends, and makes predictions across four fundamental areas (valuation and M&A, economy, politics, and technology), equipping leaders with information for the future. Audience This webinar is...

Webinar | Study Session: Managing the Risks Inherent in Studying Abroad


Webinar Summary Scholastic Travel Insurance | Students and faculty members engaging in international travel must contend with the unique risks of today’s world. Accidents, sudden illnesses, natural disasters, political uprisings, and more must be considered before embarking on this journey. In this webinar, Chubb’s Scholastic Travel experts will discuss how to help protect scholastic travelers with risk management, insurance, and assistance solutions. Audience This webinar is designed for Agents, Brokers, and select Clients Chubb Faculty...

Webinar | Small Business Insights and Industry Spotlight on Professional Services, Manufacturers, and Technology


Webinar Summary Join Chubb and Dr. Bob Hartwig for a webinar discussing the importance of small business insurance and the growth opportunity for small businesses in three targeted industries – professional services, manufacturers, and technology. Plus, learn about current trends small business owners are facing, key insights for agents and brokers, and how Chubb’s solutions can help serve your small business clients. Additional tools and resources for agents and brokers for these three industries can...

Webinar | Work From Home: It’s Here to Stay


Webinar Summary At the peak of the pandemic, nearly 83% of office workers were working from home and this transition to remote work for many companies took place with little opportunity to plan. Now, that many employees are offered some form of remote working, companies need to ensure that they are receiving the expected benefits from their offer of remote work options. Remote work presents unique challenges from a safety and risk management perspective that...

Webinar | Complementary Coverages for International Travel: Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation and Business Travel Accident


Webinar Summary Benefits of pairing Multinational Casualty and Accident & Health coverages | There isn’t a one-size-fits-all insurance solution for companies looking to cover employees traveling internationally, and in many cases, it makes sense to invest in more than one product for the most complete coverage. In this webinar, Chubb Multinational Casualty and Accident & Health experts will discuss how employers can create comprehensive travel solutions by seeking out products that offer complementary coverages. Audience...

Webinar | An EVolving Issue: How Do On-Site Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Impact Public Liability Exposures?


Webinar Summary Electric vehicles (EVs) are emerging as a key component toward achieving climate change resiliency. Businesses, governmental agencies, and consumers are engaging on the topic of electric vehicles. While electric vehicles are currently estimated to comprise less than two percent of the new car market, interest has increased dramatically. One significant hurdle that is influencing the pace of EV adoption is the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles in today's market run on rechargeable...

Webinar | Defense Base Act 101: The Ins and Outs of DBA Coverage


Webinar Summary The Defense Base Act provides the framework for a special type of workers compensation insurance which may be required for certain overseas projects when U.S.-based businesses are awarded federal government contracts. In this webinar, Chubb and ESIS experts will provide an overview of the Defense Base Act coverage and product, including how to identify when a client requires DBA coverage and a deep dive into claim scenarios and the unique claim challenges clients...

Webinar | Lift-outs and Lockdowns: Strategies for the Rise of Free Agency


Webinar Summary Talent mobility is at an all-time high across the industry fueled by the rise of remote work, staffing shortages, and the (perceived) shift in value from the agency to individual producers. To address the rise of this free-agency environment, join Mark Crites at Reagan Consulting to discuss how firms are attracting production talent through lift-out strategies and how your firm can use various incentives to lock down its key producers. Audience This webinar...

Webinar | Join Up Now for the War on Water


Webinar Summary Did you know the average loss of a commercial water damage claim is $89,000 and the 3rd most common global claim based on analysis of more than 470,000 insurance industry claims from 2013-2018? The frequency and severity of water damage losses has increased throughout North America and around the world for all property types and occupancies. Burst pipes, roof leaks, overflowing toilets, and leaking equipment can cause significant damage, with losses ranging well...

Webinar | Thinking About Tomorrow: Current Risks and Future Concerns


Webinar Summary Chubb commissioned Oxford Economics to conduct a Study of Future Risks & Readiness with the aim of furthering our understanding of what corporate executives view as their most significant future business risks, as well as how well-prepared they are for those risks over the next one-to-three years. In this webinar, Chubb experts will do a deep dive into the Study’s findings, from top takeaways to how this data can be leveraged to prepare...

Webinar | Fleet Safety Program Development


Webinar Summary A written and consistently enforced fleet safety program is vital to communicate management policies and procedures to drivers and supervisors. Formalizing fleet controls will promote consistency and foster a safety culture that can help reduce vehicle damage and driver injuries. Without written documentation of fleet safety directives there is no consistent accountability for drivers operating vehicles for company business. In addition, lack of formal fleet programming will make it challenging in the event...

Webinar | Compassionate Advocacy for the Workplace


Webinar Summary Research proves that Cultural Intelligence (CI) enhances communication and performance when working with diverse audiences. A core value of Cultural Intelligence is compassion, which is empathy in action. This reflective and interactive webinar will model skills-based strategies for increasing compassion around action-oriented, culturally responsive behaviors in the workplace. Through the application of CITC’s research-based Cultural Intelligence model, leaders and individual contributors alike will learn how to engage empathy as a tool of compassion...

Webinar | Contractors in the Workplace – Managing the Hidden Workplace Exposure


Webinar Summary Virtually every business today relies on third parties (eg. maintenance contractors, suppliers, vendors, subcontractors, etc.) in some capacity to conduct their day to day operations. From maintenance repairs to production, the utilization of these third parties can bring rise to several often-overlooked risks in the workplace. By implementing an effective contractor management program, a business will be able to reduce their overall risk associated with the use of these third-party entities. Safety and...

Webinar | Middle Market Insights and Manufacturing Industry Spotlight


Webinar Summary Join business leaders from Chubb and the National Center for Middle Market (NCMM) for a virtual panel discussion as they uncover business trends from the newly released Middle Market Indicator (MMI) Report and a spotlight on the Manufacturing industry. Understand the data behind the findings, key insights, and top concerns like inflation, supply chain disruptions, and maintaining adequate workforces facing Middle Market firms today. Issued semi-annually, the MMI explores current and emerging macro...

Webinar | Leaders of Change: Closing the Racial Leadership Gap


Webinar Summary Leaders often embrace attributes and skills that are entrenched in organizational culture, however for profound change to take place we need to start acting differently. The negative impact of underrepresentation of people of color in senior leadership positions has only been magnified by rapid shifts in work-culture and the widespread talent shortages impacting the insurance industry. How can we position our firms for success unless we have a roadmap that helps us to...

Webinar | Building Your Brand (Even If Personal Branding Feels Uncomfortable!)


Webinar Summary Being recognized for your expertise can dramatically accelerate your professional success. But how to do it in a way that feels authentic and not too “salesy” – especially if personal branding doesn’t come naturally to you? Building on her book Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future (Harvard Business Review Press), Dorie Clark – a Duke University Fuqua School of Business professor, former presidential campaign spokesperson, and HBR contributor – will show...

Webinar | To Insure and Assist: Navigating Business Travel Insurance and Assistance Services in a Changing World


Webinar Summary Business travel insurance and assistance solutions | For businesses with employees who travel on company business, the past 2+ years have presented several challenges in terms of choosing the right travel protection. Join Chubb Accident & Health and International SOS experts for a discussion about common – and new – exposures for travelling employees and how they can be mitigated with a business travel insurance and assistance package. Audience This webinar is designed...

Webinar | Courageous Conversations on Disability: A Universal Human Experience


Webinar Summary Disability is a fascinating facet of human diversity that every one of us will experience for some period of time in our lives. Through personal and powerful storytelling Cara Yar Khan will take us on a journey to explore the dynamics and dimensions of this widely underestimated community and under examined discourse. Together we'll discover the origins of our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors towards people with disabilities. We will be gently invited to pivot...

Webinar | Autonomous Vehicles


Webinar Summary This 1-hour session provides an overview of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology. It explores the current advances toward full automation and the challenges faced to get there. Information on the current status of original equipment manufacturers and areas where AVs are already deployed is included, as is an explanation of major AV component technologies that provide capabilities for perception, localization, mapping and prediction. Typical state regulatory approaches for AV testing are addressed and test...

Webinar | Driving In Adverse Conditions


Webinar Summary Driving on a sunny day in 70 degrees is easy and what dreams are made of. Unfortunately, all over the country there are different weather conditions occurring every day. Some locations will have regular amounts of snow and some will have harsh rains, some storms will move in quickly with no warning and some might set new records in snow or rainfall. Every different type of weather brings a different challenge to the...

Webinar | The Decision to Remain Independent in the Current Market


Webinar Summary It is no secret that the M&A market for agents and brokers remains frothy. In addition, the competitive pressures in the market continue to accelerate. As a result, all agency principals are being forced to at least acknowledge the M&A opportunities that exist and consider whether to continue as an independent or pursue another strategy. In this session, Brian McNeely from Reagan Consulting will explore how those leaders can position themselves for continued...

Webinar | Neurodiversity: The Untapped Talent Pool That Fuels Your Success


Webinar Summary Do you wonder what the buzz about neurodiversity is and why it matters to your brokerage? Are you curious about the benefits of divergent thinking? Would you like tools and strategies for tapping into the power of your people? This session addresses these questions and more. In this session you will: Learn what neurodiversity looks like in the workplace and on-site Understand the benefits of being a neurodiversity welcoming business in the insurance...

Webinar | Don’t Settle for .50 of the Story: Enhance Your Slip and Fall Prevention by Integrating Tribometry with a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Process


Webinar Summary Even though slips and falls are one of the most preventable injury types, they remain one of the leading sources of injuries both at home and work. According to The National Safety Council 2019 Injury Facts, 880 workers died in falls. While the use of a tribometer (slipmeter) allows us to quantify how a walking surface performs specific to the measurement of traction, does the slip resistance value provide us with the confidence...

Webinar | Play, Passion & Purpose: How Purposeful Play Breeds Success


It’s so much fun to have fun. But did you know that when we play, our brain responds in ways that can greatly benefit our skills in business? Children don’t have to be taught how to play – they innately know how to do so. But as we mature into adults, we lose the spontaneity and creativity that make play so much fun. On top of that, the everyday demands of life get in the...

Webinar | State of Broker M&A Activity 2022-2023


Webinar Summary 2022 showed a deceleration in the insurance industry’s record 2021 deal activity. Deal volume slowed as U.S. economic activity dropped and interest rates rose. Despite these downward turns, demand from buyers remains strong which is bolstering agency valuations. Will valuations hold and buyer demand remain strong? And what should agencies expect in 2023? Join Harrison Brooks with Reagan Consulting to discuss what happened in 2022, industry predictions, and what agencies can do to...

Webinar | Medicare Reporting and its Impact on Claims Management


Webinar Summary Please join us on Tuesday, March 14 at 2:00 pm (ET) for an ESIS hosted webinar on what to know about the impact and potential legal implications of Medicare on reporting requirements, claim reserves, and compliance. ESIS, A Chubb Company, is a third-party administrator offering one of the industry’s broadest selections of sophisticated risk and claim management solutions. Learn more about ESIS Risk Management Services here.  Audience This webinar is designed for ESIS...

Webinar | Skills for the Teen Driver


Webinar Summary Teen drivers are regularly involved in automobile collisions, primarily because of their lack of experience on the road. This inexperience means teens often don’t recognize or know how to respond to hazards that lead to collisions. In fact, the fatal crash rate per mile driven by 16–17 year-olds is three times the rate of drivers 20 years-old and older. Skills for the Teen Driver’s goal is to share best practices for making teenagers...

Webinar | Occupational Health Hazards – Are You at Risk?


Webinar Summary Occupational Health Hazards may be lurking within your plant, warehouse or even office. These hazards may not present themselves until an employee has a reaction, there is an employee complaint, or are uncovered by OSHA during an inspection. Occupational Health Hazards can stem from mold, solvents, welding fumes, dust, and even biological hazards. The presentation will review how to be proactive and conduct an Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Health Hazard risk assessment for a manufacturing...

Webinar | Agency Valuation Trends in 2023


Webinar Summary How are internal and external valuations trending in 2023? What are the key internal factors that help drive value for independent agents and brokers? Join Mark Crites from Reagan Consulting as he discusses how economic factors, including supply and demand of active buyers, will impact valuations for the remainder of the year. Audience This webinar is designed for a Chubb Agent and Broker audience, including Agency leadership and principals. Faculty Mark Crites |...

Webinar | Many Risks, One Chubb: Growing Business in the Technology, Manufacturing and Professional Services Industries


Webinar Summary Your clients face a world of risks and exposures that they may not fully consider when making decisions about their organization. By introducing complementary products and services, you can help them recognize emerging risks, strengthen your existing relationship, and grow your book of business. However, a successful cross-sale doesn’t just happen, it takes a combination of knowledge, timing, and a team approach. In this webinar you will learn from sales, industry, and product...

Webinar | It’s Not Just the Heat – A Holistic View of the Effects of Climate Change on Worker Health


Webinar Summary While not a new concept, climate change is increasingly relevant due to increases in extreme weather. One of the major effects of climate change includes extreme temperature variations. Specifically, higher temperatures have a direct effect on workplace safety and health. Details on the types of industries effected as well as acute health hazards will be reviewed. This webinar will not only clearly illustrate the variety of challenges climate change presents, but also offer...

Webinar | Driver Qualification File


Webinar Summary U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regularly updates and changes its regulations, including the rules for qualifying commercial motor vehicle drivers, all in the pursuit of safer drivers and safer roadways. Have you missed any of these changes? Are your clients in compliance with their driver qualification efforts and Driver Qualification files? This webinar is designed to get you up-to-date and educate you in the basic requirements for DQ files, so you can...

Webinar | How to Cross-Sell to Your Clients and Keep Them Coming Back for More


Webinar Summary Cross-selling to loyal clients is an often-overlooked key to growth. You've worked hard to build trust and a reputation with your clients, so now it's time to take your relationships to the next level by introducing them to other products and services. Everyone, from seasoned producers to frontline staff, can (and should) contribute to cross-sell success. In this session, Dr. Cindy will share her proven five-step formula for identifying cross-sell opportunities and being...

Webinar | Accident & Health: Creating a Best-in-Class P&C Solution – for Organizations with Employees


Webinar Summary Accidents and illnesses can happen suddenly - anytime, anywhere. Organizations that are adequately prepared for stakeholder accidents or sicknesses can ensure those situations are handled in a way that is consistent with their expectations, values, and standards. In this webinar, Chubb Accident & Health’s Corporate Accident & Sickness experts will share how A&H coverages like Business Travel Accident insurance can work as a Workers Compensation supplement to help create a best-in-class P&C solution...

Webinar | Wildland Fires and Impacts on Health for Outdoor Workers


Webinar Summary The United States is experiencing longer and more severe wildfire seasons brought on by drought, increased heat waves, and drier conditions as a result of Climate Change. Wildfire smoke once viewed as a California or Western States concern now impacts regions outside the immediate fire zone, traveling thousands of miles across the country on the jet stream affecting the Southeast, Midwest, and Canada. Wildfire smoke is a complex mixture of gases and fine...

Webinar | Distracted Driving


Webinar Summary Distracted driving is frequently cited as one of the leading causes of automobile collisions, primarily due to driver behaviors which take the operator’s attention away from driving the vehicle. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) cited in the 2020-year that distracted driving claimed 3,142 lives. Distracted driving can come in several different forms which include, texting/cellphone use, eating and drinking, radio and navigation adjustment, and more. The goal of this...

Webinar | Accident & Health: Creating a Best-in-Class P&C Solution – for Organizations with Participants/Volunteers/Non-Employees


Webinar Summary Accidents and illnesses can happen anytime, anywhere - in the classroom, playing sports, going to summer camp, or even volunteering for a non-profit. When unexpected situations arise, a plan that can help mitigate costs and ensure timely care can make all the difference. Join Chubb Accident & Health’s Specialty Markets and Scholastic & Institutional Global Risk experts for a discussion about how A&H coverages like Participant Accident and Scholastic Travel insurance can work...

Webinar | How to Prepare for Internal Perpetuation: A Top Strategy for Value Creation


Webinar Summary A good internal perpetuation plan not only gives you the opportunity to remain privately held, but it is also your best recipe for maximizing value in any scenario. In this webinar, we’ll talk about how leading firms are investing in growth, retaining talent and pursuing specialization in order to drive value creation. Audience This webinar is designed for a Chubb Agent and Broker audience, including Agency leadership and principals. Faculty Brian Deitz |...

Webinar | A&H Affinity Solutions: Offering Customized Supplemental Health Insurance Solutions to Individuals of Affinity Groups, Associations & Employers


Webinar Summary In today’s insurance market, one size doesn’t fit all. Supplemental health insurance solutions can help individuals customize an insurance portfolio that best aligns with their needs. In this webinar, Chubb Accident & Health’s Affinity Solutions experts will discuss how Chubb’s market-driven and highly valued products can be customized to supplement health insurance choices. They’ll also highlight the Chubb Partner Package, a turnkey solution that can help agents offer supplemental benefits to clients in...

Webinar | Unlocking Efficiency and Quality: Harnessing Telephonic Case Management in Today’s Dynamic Landscape


Webinar Summary Please join us on Monday, September 18 at 2:00 pm (ET) for an ESIS hosted webinar that delves into the transformative power of telephonic case management in the modern business landscape. ESIS, A Chubb Company, is a third-party administrator offering one of the industry’s broadest selections of sophisticated risk and claim management solutions. Learn more about ESIS Risk Management Services here.  Audience This webinar is designed for ESIS Clients and Brokers, however all...

Webinar | Wildfire Threat and the West


Webinar Summary Wildland fire has evolved to be an item of greater concern for the communities and businesses that reside within them as the wildfire season is growing longer and starting earlier each year. In part due to climate change, wildfires are growing in intensity and scale, particularly in the western United States. Traditional wildfire mitigation tactics include utilization of noncombustible construction materials, regular brush clearing, and noncombustible planting in landscape design, however recent research...

Webinar | Middle Market Insights and Climate Spotlight


Webinar Summary Join business leaders from Chubb and the National Center for Middle Market (NCMM) for a virtual panel discussion on business trends from the newly released Middle Market Report with a special Chubb Climate+ feature. Understand the data behind business outlook and performance findings, top concerns, risk management challenges as well as how they play into today’s business environment for the Middle Market. Access additional insights by visiting Chubb’s NCMM Research Center. Audience This...

Webinar | Defining, Identifying & Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Insurance Environment


Webinar Summary The impact of unconscious bias can be especially pronounced in the fast-paced and dynamic insurance industry. In this session, participants will receive a detailed and practical overview of the concept, including a working definition and exploration of common forms. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how unconscious bias manifests in the insurance environment and techniques for mitigating its harmful effects. By the end of this session, participants will be equipped with a...

Webinar | Travel 365: How the Right Plan Can Help Leisure Travelers Journey with Confidence


Webinar Summary Sickness, injuries, and other emergencies are facts of life. When travelers are away from customary medical and informational resources, even minor situations can become more intense. Join Chubb’s Leisure Travel and Digital Consumer experts to learn how Chubb’s Travel 365 solution provides insurance protection that can help travelers prepare for and deal with the unexpected risks related to traveling. View other webinars and recordings in the Accident & Health series. Audience This webinar...

Webinar | Breaking the Barrier of Unconscious Bias: Communication Strategies for Engaging with Stakeholders


Webinar Summary Unconscious bias can have a profound effect on an insurance professional’s interactions with clients and business partners, even potentially harming the overall reputation of the organization. To ensure that producers and agency staff are working with an inclusive mindset, this informative session will examine the impact of unconscious bias on successful communication within the insurance industry. Participants will be provided with actionable steps to integrate an inclusive perspective into their operations and build...

Webinar | Exploring Microaggressions: Understanding Organizational Impacts and Strategies for Mitigation


Webinar Summary Microaggressions can be exhibited through our actions and communication towards others, and can have a significant impact on workplace culture. In order to better understand and address these harmful behaviors, this session will explore microaggressions in-depth. Participants will examine what microaggressions are, how they manifest, and their specific impact on the insurance industry. The session will also cover practical strategies for addressing and mitigating microaggressions within the workplace. By the end of this...

Webinar | Building Inclusive Workplace Communities from the Top Down


Webinar Summary Effective leaders are the driving force behind a productive and supportive workplace culture. As role models for their staff, they must exhibit appropriate behaviors that others can emulate. This comprehensive session will center on equipping leaders with the necessary tools and strategies needed to foster an inclusive working environment. This will include navigating challenges and overcoming possible resistance that may hinder progress towards creating a supportive and diverse workplace. By the end of...

Webinar | Fee Frenzy: Navigating the Expanding World of Excessive Fee Class Actions


Webinar Summary From multibillion dollar defense contractor plans to small not-for-profit association plans with less than $50 million in assets, no retirement plan fiduciaries have been safe from recent increases in class actions alleging that they pay excessive recording and investment fees and pick underperforming investments. With an unprecedented number of court decisions and even some of these class actions going to trial, it’s difficult to predict where the outstanding cases may be headed. Moreover,...

Webinar | Business Continuity Planning: Prepare Your Business for the Unexpected


Webinar Summary Today's businesses are confronted with an unprecedented number of exposures. With incidents including pandemics, cyber-attacks, supply chain interruption, geopolitical unrest, and severe weather occurring more frequently – it is important that your business understands these threats and how they can impact your critical business operations. A robust Business Continuity Plan will help ensure that your business continues to operate prior to, during and after a disaster occurs. In this webinar, the presenters will...

Webinar | Rising Waters: A Deep Dive Into Commercial Flood Risk


Webinar Summary Please join us as we reveal our latest research findings with a review of the Commercial Flood Insurance market and Chubb’s capabilities to support agents and clients.Topics to be covered include: Client's Current Perceptions of the Commercial Flood Insurance Market Why Flood Risk Remains Underestimated and Underappreciated The Barriers to Assessing Flood Risk The Impact of Climate Change on the Commercial Flood Insurance Market How Chubb's Commercial Flood Coverage Minimizes Exposure Talking to...

Webinar | Storage Tank Basics, Exposures, and Coverage Overview


Webinar Summary Please note the original date of this webinar was changed from 12/5 to 12/7. Underground and above ground storage tanks (USTs and ASTs) carry a host of potential exposures that knowledgeable owners and operators can proactively address. Leaks, spills, lack of maintenance, vandalism can all lead to releases resulting in costly corrective action. Financial Responsibility requirements require strict adherence to regulations. These and other topics will be addressed along with an overview of...

Webinar | Managing Lithium-Ion Batteries Present in the Workplace


Webinar Summary Please note the original date of this webinar was changed from 11/16 to 12/11. In today’s technology driven world the need for battery powered equipment and devices has skyrocketed. To meet this demand many industries have turned to utilizing lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can be found in everything from cell phones, laptops, transportation equipment, backup power sources, power tools, and even personal hygiene products. With the tremendous increased use cases for these batteries,...

Webinar | Winter Driving


Webinar Summary Driving on a sunny day in 70 degrees paints an idyllic image. Unfortunately, all over the country there are adverse weather conditions occurring every day. Some locations will have regular amounts of snow and some will have harsh rains. Some storms will move in quickly with no warning and some might set new records in snow or rainfall. Each type of weather brings a different challenge to the company, their drivers, and their...

Webinar | How to Work With & Lead People Not Like You


Working with and leading others who may have different motivations and backgrounds can be challenging. However, embracing diversity leads to more positive outcomes, including better decision-making, innovation, and growth. This session offers a new perspective on workplace relationships, client interactions, and leadership training, specifically focused on working with "people not like you." You’ll learn why diversity in its many forms at work is important, but why it seems so hard to work with people not...

Webinar | How to Get More Prospects, Referrals, and Business


Webinar Summary For insurance agents and brokers, referrals are everything! But how can you generate more and better referrals on an ongoing basis? Well, you just ask! But how do you ask the “referral question” without seeming pushy, self-serving, or salesy? And, by the way, what is a referral anyway? How does a referral differ from a contact, lead, or introduction? In this online session, we will discuss networking approaches you can practice with prospects,...

Webinar | Employment Practices Liability 101


Summary Join Chubb Agency Education to learn what Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance is, how it works to defend and protect clients from financial loss resulting from discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and other employment related claims. During this one-hour webinar Chubb’s Kristen Poplar, EPL Product Manager, North America Financial Lines, will provide you with a foundational EPL coverage overview including key terms, conditions, and endorsements. The presentation also will cover common EPL exposures, current EPL...

Webinar | Middle Market Insights and Specialties Spotlight


Webinar Summary Join business leaders from Chubb and the National Center for Middle Market (NCMM) for a dynamic webcast panel discussion around the Year-End Middle Market Indicator findings, with a focus on cyber insurance and other specialty areas. According to the latest report, fewer than half of Middle Market companies believed they had adequate cyber insurance, while more than half acknowledged that they needed or were considering the coverage. Understand the data behind business outlook...

Webinar | Crime 101


Summary Fraudsters, thieves, hackers and con-artists are an unfortunate reality that any business must develop strategies to protect against. This webinar will provide a core understanding of what Crime Insurance coverage is and why it is needed. In addition to understanding the mechanics of how a Crime policy responds you’ll learn who steals and why, explore exposures and loss trends, and review Chubb resources and key differentiators. Audience This program is designed for Chubb agents...

Webinar | Opportunities & Insurance Solutions with Chubb Climate+


The arrival of Earth Day serves as an important reminder that climate change is a reality. The insurance industry can play a critical role in supporting and promoting business that contributes to net zero progress and helps society respond to this global challenge. This includes both the development and scaling of solutions for rapid decarbonization of the global economy, and promoting resilience to the physical impacts of climate change. We invite you to join our...

Webinar | Fringe Benefits: Compliance and Cost Savings for Government Contractors


In this session, Grant Elam from The Boon Group and Allison Humphreys from Chubb will discuss the landscape and requirements for employers bidding on and executing government contracts.  They will provide an overview of the Davis Bacon Act and Service Contract Act legislation, including recent updates, current trends in the government contracting space, and the importance of remaining compliant with these regulations.  They will also discuss fringe benefit obligations and the unique opportunity for brokers...

Webinar | State of Broker M&A Activity 2023-2024


Webinar Summary The 2023 deceleration in deal activity does not tell the whole story. Demand for high quality agencies has never been higher and buyers are willing to pay top-of-market valuations despite the current interest rate environment. Will deal activity and valuations increase in 2024? What are buyers looking for and what should agencies expect in 2024? Join Harrison Brooks with Reagan Consulting to discuss what happened in 2023, industry predictions, and what agencies can...

Webinar | Fiduciary Liability 101


Summary Fiduciaries of all types of employee benefit plans are increasingly being held accountable for their actions in the operation and administration of these plans. Fiduciary Liability Insurance helps protect fiduciaries and the benefits plans they manage. This virtual session is designed to provide a core understanding of what Fiduciary Liability coverage is and why it is needed. In addition to how Fiduciary Liability coverage works, you’ll learn the basics of Plans, Fiduciaries, and Duties...

Webinar | Renewable Energy and Climate Tech – New York Region


Please Note: This webinar is designed for a New York Region audience. Webinar Summary Join us as we delve into the Climate Tech and Renewable Energy sectors, examining the established and emerging operations these companies present as well as the associated risks. We will also review Chubb’s innovative product and service solutions designed to mitigate these risks.By taking part in this webinar, you will acquire valuable insights and understanding of the current trends and advancements...

Webinar | Cyber 101: Understanding and Navigating Today’s Cyber Landscape for Small Businesses


Webinar Summary As technology advances, so does the sophistication of cyber threats, making it crucial for small businesses to protect themselves against potential data breaches, cyberattacks, and other digital risks. In this seminar, Chubb will explore today’s Cyber threat landscape and delve into the benefits of cyber insurance and how it can safeguard small businesses from financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. From understanding policy language to identifying claims trends specific to SMEs, attendees...

Webinar | Directors & Officers Liability 101


Summary Please note the scheduled date of this webinar was changed from June 5 to June 6. Decision makers and executives must navigate through a rising tide of regulatory and legal challenges in the course of doing their jobs. Their actions can result in claims by a host of third parties – from employees to regulatory agencies to customers. Learn how D&O liability insurance functions to fill coverage gaps and provide leaders and executives with defense...

Webinar | Workplace Violence Risk Management is Now Mandated in California – Are Your Clients Ready?


On September 20, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 553 into California law.  This legislation requires nearly all businesses (those with more than 10 onsite employees) in California to establish and maintain a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan.  With compliance required by July 1, 2024, agents and brokers should be aware of the law, what it means for their clients, and how to help them become compliant. This virtual session is designed to provide a...

Webinar | Taking a Bite out of Food Industry Risks: How an Integrated Casualty Program Closes Coverage Gaps


Webinar Summary Recent claim scenarios and business trends in the food industry have shed light on coverage gaps relating to Product Recall and Errors and Omissions (E&O). Join our webinar to learn how to bridge this protection gap through an Integrated Products Casualty Program. Chubb's subject matter experts will provide insight into insurance solutions and why businesses need them.  By participating in this event, you will gain valuable knowledge about food-related exposures and understand why...

Webinar | How to Better Protect Vacant Buildings


Vacant properties present unique challenges because they lack the day to day activity that naturally mitigates common hazards. Draining sprinkler systems leaves the building exposed to a potentially severe fire. While having a vacant property is never a desirable situation, some basic steps can be taken to reduce the hazard until it is again occupied. Beyond the property hazard concerns, vacant buildings can become a liability hazard to the public and municipality. Vacant buildings are...

Webinar | Federal Government Contractors – Understanding the Opportunity


The federal government spends $700 billion on contracts, with the DoD spending an additional $145 billion in FY 2024 on technology R & D.  Federal government contractors (FGCs) work on some of the most interesting and cutting edge technology, from submarines to satellites.  However, FGCs operate in a business environment significantly different from standard commercial entities, with unique exposures, contracts and protections, not to mention a language all their own.  This session will introduce you...

Webinar | Workplace Violence: A Growing Concern – Combating Violence in Healthcare


Violence is not a concept people would typically associate with healthcare organizations; however, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the healthcare industry experiences the highest rate of injuries caused by workplace violence and are five times as likely to suffer a workplace violence injury than workers overall. Providing a safe environment for patients, visitors and staff is a top priority for any healthcare organization. By implementing a comprehensive violence program, healthcare organizations can...

Webinar | Travel 365: Helping Travelers Navigate the “What Ifs”


Webinar Summary When it comes to travel, careful planning only takes you so far. Join Chubb’s Leisure Travel and Claims experts to learn how our Travel 365 solution provides a powerful combination of travel insurance and 24/7 assistance services that can help travelers navigate unexpected events or personal situations that arise while traveling. We’ll also discuss common travel insurance misconceptions and claim scenarios, along with how you can educate your clients on the value of...

Webinar | Private Equity and Climate Tech: Fueling Innovation and Sustainable Growth


Webinar Summary Climate Tech businesses that are developing the cutting-edge products, services, and technologies necessary to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions face unique risks due to the nature of their operations and the urgency of scaling for the low carbon transition.Join Chubb’s subject matter experts in the upcoming webinar as they delve into the intersection of Private Equity and Climate Tech, uncovering opportunities and successes in investments within this rapidly evolving sector. Gain insights into the...